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Behind Every Band, There’s A Woman

In honor of International Women’s Day, I reached out to some of the wonderful women I’ve encountered through our shared love for music, inviting them to share how being a fangirl has impacted their lives.

A little over a year ago, I was in Arkansas for a writing workshop hosted by Pamela Des Barres. I spent two days writing alongside her and a handful of other women. The time that I spent in that space revealed to me just how deeply I enjoy writing and how important spaces like this are.  Because of our shared passion for music, we turned a hotel room in Little Rock into a sacred space for womanhood and community, making heartfelt connections and writing our hearts out.  If I wasn’t a fangirl, introduced to Pamela Des Barres by other fangirls, the significance of those two days would not have existed for me.

My appreciation for music has been a part of me for as long as I can remember, and my desire to remain close to it has ushered in countless opportunities and connections.  I reached out to some of the wonderful women I’ve encountered through this shared love, inviting them to share how being a fangirl has impacted their lives.  

Hannah Valdez, whom I met through our beloved band, Quarters of Change, replied, “I have met my best friends through my favorite bands. Going to shows is a beauty because everyone there has something in common, so when I go to all of these shows, meeting mutuals on socials and getting to experience something we both love, it’s so beautiful. Being a fan girl has brought me my career, my bridesmaids, and amazing memories I’ll cherish forever! I don’t know what I would do if I wasn't going to a new concert every month and meeting all of these people and growing this community, especially in Texas. It’s amazing, and I can’t imagine my life any other way!” 

Hannah is just one of many amazing individuals I’ve encountered through Quarters of Change. I often think about how much my love for this band has enriched my social life, and I will always be thankful for the friends they’ve unknowingly brought into my world. 

Sadie Burns, who I also met through QOC, responded: “I think being a fangirl in music has brought me so many friendships in real life and online as well. I’m so grateful for the communities and spaces that exist within an art platform such as music as it allows people, in my experiences, women, to come together and bond over something. And simply, I think that’s beautiful.”

Leah Guerra, a longtime mutual thanks to our shared admiration for Wallows, also shared her thoughts: “Simply being a fan of a band has opened so many doors and led me to so many realizations about what I want to do with my life, all while immersing me in a community of people who all share my same passions. I’ve traveled, met friends I know will last a lifetime, and gotten to do it all while jamming out to my favorite band in the world. 

Traveling for shows also opened my eyes to what I wanted to do in my career, and I switched my major to one that would allow me flexibility to pursue these dreams or at least work towards a life that lets me do it on the side. I now do work for a nonprofit Record Label aimed at helping artists without the same opportunities as others get a jumpstart in their craft, and I have worked at music festivals while making some of my favorite memories to date. 

It’s hard to explain how much being a fangirl has actually changed my life, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Shoutout Wallows.”

The beauty of being a fangirl is visible in creative spaces nationwide: Pleaser Magazine, Studio Eterna, Almost Famous Zine– each founded and run by fangirls and fellow music lovers.  Pleaser Magazine even devoted an entire issue to celebrating the power that being a fangirl holds.

Ultimately, the music industry would struggle to flourish without the support of fangirls.  It saddens me to witness such a wonderful movement face stigma.  My life would be entirely different and far less fulfilling if not for my love of music and my ability to connect with others through it.

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Experiencing Euphoria with Daydream Twins

Daydream Twins, an Austin-based shoegaze ensemble, comprises Jordan, Aiden, Chris, Ivan, and Bryce. Just one day after unveiling their latest album, Solstice For Embodiment, they performed at Andy’s, sharing their euphoric sound during the Jambaloo festival.

Daydream Twins, an Austin-based shoegaze ensemble, comprises Jordan, Aiden, Chris, Ivan, and Bryce. Just one day after unveiling their latest album, Solstice For Embodiment, they performed at Andy’s, sharing their euphoric sound during the Jambaloo festival.

Jambaloo marked a bittersweet farewell for Andy’s, as the venue prepares to close its doors at the end of the month. This final showcase transformed into a heartfelt tribute, offering attendees multiple opportunities to bid adieu to a beloved local landmark. What better way to honor Andy’s legacy than by embracing a week of complimentary music that celebrates local talent and the community that cherishes them?

The Daydream Twins' setlist was a sonic journey through their new album, featuring captivating tracks like "If I Fall," "No Coming Down," and "Blurring Faces." Their ambient soundscapes created an ethereal atmosphere, enveloping the audience in layers of reverb and dreamy vocals while the venue thrummed with vibrant energy.

I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on what was likely my final night at Andy’s, a memorable journey shared with Daydream Twins. I encourage you to immerse yourself in the new album—tune into Solstice For Embodiment, available on all streaming platforms now.  I would also like to thank the other bands in attendance, for contributing to the beauty of the night. Shoutout Ultra Bloom, New Avenues, and semiwestern. 

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Inside the Creative Wisdom of Attic Space

Abraham “Attic Space” Khan is a multifaceted creative force making waves in the North Texas music scene. Known for his bass playing with the band 'Bubby,' he also excels in visual projections for various bands and festivals, including the illustrious Austin Psych Fest. Additionally, his documentary work for Dust Mothers showcases his storytelling prowess, while his flyer designs effectively promote a multitude of events across diverse platforms.  Recently, I had the opportunity to inquire about his inspiring creative pursuits.

Photo by Nathalya Rosado

Abraham “Attic Space” Khan is a multifaceted creative force making waves in the North Texas music scene. Known for his bass playing with the band 'Bubby,' he also excels in visual projections for various bands and festivals, including the illustrious Austin Psych Fest. Additionally, his documentary work for Dust Mothers showcases his storytelling prowess, while his flyer designs effectively promote a multitude of events across diverse platforms. Recently, I had the opportunity to inquire about his inspiring creative pursuits.

At what point did Attic Space feel like a solid part of your identity? 

Attic Space, as a project, always felt like an extension of myself in one way or another, but once I really started to get lots of visual gigs, that’s when it started to really feel like part of my identity. After my initial run of visual gigs with local bands like Bad Dad Jokes, Dust Mothers, and Maestro Maya, I guess people started to take note, and people started to address me as “Attic Space,” which was a bit of a shock at first for sure, but I loved it. 

How many projects are you currently a part of? 

It’s almost hard to say, at any given time I feel like I’m working on a million things. As of this moment, I have Attic Space, the multi-discipline music and art project, of course, and I play bass in the band Bubby, and I’m currently working on something new, a little interview-style show with a few other local creatives, the details of which are yet to be revealed. But in terms of individual projects, hell I can’t even tell you, who knows!

Has your passion for creating always existed within you? 

Oh absolutely, in one way or another. As a kid, I’d sit around all day making little home movies with my friends on those shitty flip digital cameras. In my middle school and high school years, I was in my school orchestra as a Cellist, and that’s also around the time I started DJing and learning production, and since then I’ve pretty much always had some sort of creative thing I was working on.

Can you recall the moment that you felt that passion ignite?

Instead of their being one specific moment, I can pinpoint a bunch of small moments in my life that inspired me to get up and create. When I was in elementary school, we had this general music class (shout-out Ms. Elliot!) that taught us all about the basics of music. I remember the teacher put on this DVD called Animusic, and it was this animation that some guy made in the early 2000s that used MIDI to control 3D animations, and it created this surreal, almost liminal, audio-visual experience, and my little mind was blown. I can certainly trace my desire to connect music to a visual experience to that. But beyond that, I can think of plenty of moments that really sparked my passion- Hearing “I Remember” by Deadmau5 for the first time thanks to it being featured in a Wii game, being pushed to participate in competitions by my middle school orchestra instructors, seeing a rock show with visuals for the first time, meeting some of the incredible local DFW musicians, I could go on and on. 

While being so consistent in several different creative fields, how do you keep yourself from experiencing burnout? 

I think the thing that actually keeps me from burning out is having so many projects going at any given time. Feeling uninspired to create a poster? Go work on some music. Got writer’s block? Go edit a video I’m working on. I love having lots of different things to do, it helps me scratch all the different creative itches I get. And when none of the things I’m working on do the trick for me, I can always just go start something new.  

Congratulations on being chosen to do visuals for Austin Psych Fest for the second year in a row! What was that experience like for you? 

Thanks! Yeah, it’s incredible and unbelievable having the opportunity to work on such an iconic, important festival. I can still hardly believe I got to do it once, let alone the fact that I’m gonna do it again. Being out there for Psych Fest or Levitation is just so nuts and fast-paced, truly a whirlwind. I got to meet so many incredible artists, and so many of my heroes, I couldn’t be happier. I love Levitation and TV Eye and all those guys!

What is the most exciting aspect of creating for you? 

I think the thing that excites me most is trying new things. I really can’t sit still or do the same thing over again, so when I have the opportunity to explore new territory or tackle a challenge, I find it incredibly satisfying. Also, I think the best part of the creative process is getting your work out into the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s seen by 5 people or 5,000 people- there’s just something about finishing a project and sending it out into the ether. It’s such a huge release.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Man, I’m drawing inspiration from everywhere all the time. Maybe it’s lame to say, but I genuinely love consuming media of all sorts, and I always find something weirder and more interesting than the last time, and every time I do, I’m immediately filled with inspiration. Very recently my main trip has been on the crossroads of Eastern mysticism and the early Western psychedelic movement. I’ve been doing deep dives on the early psych eras- in music, literature, philosophy, culture, whatever- and I’m learning so much and it’s all so fascinating. I think that’s probably the biggest source of inspiration- digging into how others perceive the world.

How do you feel these inspirations are most reflected in your art? 

It really depends on the art form. In my art and live visuals, I think the inspirations come through more literally. Something as simple as maybe throwing clips from an old movie that has a unique art style into my live visuals. But when it comes to music, it’s a lot more subtle and metaphorical (or at least I like to think it is!). I try to just absorb everything as much as I can and let it flow out in whatever way happens naturally.

Do you have any advice for someone trying to make their way into the scene? 

My advice for someone trying to break into the scene is two-fold: Show up and just do shit. By showing up, I mean the best way to get involved is by being there! Go to all the local shows, meet people, talk to people online, and become an actual part of the scene. It’ll happen way more naturally and way quicker than you’d think; it’s certainly how I started. And, as for the other part- just do shit- something I’ve realized, embarrassingly late, is that you can just work on whatever project you want to. Want to start putting out music? There’s no need to wait for a label or an audience for that matter, just put it out! Want to make a film or a music video? Pick up a camera and just start filming stuff. It seems so simple, and it’s something that I think everyone knows intuitively on some level, but it was a major revelation for me. Everything is at your fingertips and none of us are getting any younger. Just start doing stuff and sooner or later people will be along for the ride. 

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Falling into the Enchantment of Divine Calypso

The North Texas-based band Divine Calypso blew my breath away during their recent performance at Rubber Gloves in Denton. Immediately coming in with a powerful sound as pyschedelicious as it could get. Witnessing this band's set felt similar to a religious experience. Every other attendee in the room was just as mesmerized as me, considering how locked in we were throughout the entire performance. 

The North Texas-based band Divine Calypso, composed of Matt (guitar, vocals), Sam C. (drums, vocals), Sam H. (guitar), and Jesse (bass), quite frankly blew my breath away during their most recent performance at Rubber Gloves in Denton. Immediately coming in with a powerful sound as pyschedelicious as it could get. Witnessing this band's set felt similar to a religious experience. Every other attendee in the room was just as mesmerized as me, considering how locked in we were throughout the entire performance. 

With four projects currently out, it is quite evident that Divine Calypso has found their sound, and it suits them incredibly well. The undeniable chemistry the four-piece share seeps into every corner of their musicianship, making for an exciting, other-worldly experience. Layers of incendiary rifts, prominent bass lines, relentless, addictive beats, and fluid vocals create a kaleidoscope of freaky buzz.  Their ability to carry a crowd, and allow the music to flow through them makes me confident that I could never get tired of witnessing them play. 

Accompanying a set filled with intoxicating noise, there was space held for an interlude of rightfully stated anger toward the state of our nation, only amplifying the passion of the audience.  Shortly after, a mosh pit broke out, and the built-up exhilaration of the crowd exploded into a celebration for a band worthy of the abundant praise they received.  The night ended with the breaking out of the birthday song for guitarist and vocalist Matt (happy birthday!). 

I eventually left the venue soaring off of the high from utter psychedeliciousness. 

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A Night with Lizard

On January 18th, I had the pleasure of seeing Lizard at Horus Hall in Fort Worth. Hailing from Denton, this rock band features Braven on lead guitar and vocals, Jake on rhythm guitar and vocals, Jaedon on drums, and Zack on bass. The evening unfolded with invigorating music, engaging conversations, and a palpable enthusiasm for the local music scene, serving as an exciting launch into a year brimming with live performances.

On January 18th, I had the pleasure of seeing Lizard at Horus Hall in Fort Worth. Hailing from Denton, this rock band features Braven on lead guitar and vocals, Jake on rhythm guitar and vocals, Jaedon on drums, and Zack on bass. The evening unfolded with invigorating music, engaging conversations, and a palpable enthusiasm for the local music scene, serving as an exciting launch into a year brimming with live performances.

As the second act of the night, Lizard instantly captivated the audience with their vibrant energy. Their sound is a delightful blend of strong melodies and playful rhythms, punctuated by danceable riffs—perfect for conjuring up the spirit of revelry on the beach. Attending a Lizard show is an exhilarating experience that ignites a sense of thrill from start to finish.

It’s immediately clear when an artist possesses a true passion for their craft, and with Lizard, their love for performance is unmistakable. Watching them take the stage is a testament to their calling as entertainers. The infectious energy they pour into their music reverberates through the crowd, leaving everyone buzzing.

Lizard’s commitment to the music community shines not just through their performance but also in how they uplift fellow artists. They demonstrate this camaraderie by inciting mosh pits during other bands' sets and playfully inviting their peers on stage for a cheeky moment mid-performance. After engaging with the band members, their genuine warmth and amiability became even more apparent.

With a night filled with remarkable talent and a contagious celebration of the local music scene, Saturday’s show at Horus Hall marked the ideal kickoff to the year’s musical journey. Heartfelt thanks to Lizard, Rosa Monte Rosa, and Rats of Mars for such an unforgettable evening.

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Boyscott at Andy’s Bar

I’ve been a listener of the band Boyscott ever since I first experienced “Nova Scotia 500” in 2020. So, when I discovered that they were playing in my town, attending was a foregone conclusion.  On Thursday, November 14, Andy’s Bar opened their doors for the indie rock band from the East Coast. 

I’ve been a listener of the band Boyscott ever since I first experienced “Nova Scotia 500” in 2020. So, when I discovered that they were playing in my town, attending was a foregone conclusion.  On Thursday, November 14, Andy’s Bar opened their doors for the indie rock band from the East Coast. 

I arrived at the venue just before Small Crush began their set, and though I was searching for windows between people to view the band, my inability to see did not diminish my enjoyment of their performance.  The band began softly, luring the audience into a gentle flow of indie sweetness. As their performance progressed, the energy intensified. Small crush…. I think I have a small crush on you. 

I had nearly made my way to the front of the stage when Boyscott began their show.  The sound of nautical whimsy enveloped the venue. Refreshing melodies pulled the audience into a trance of admiration and tranquility, mesmerized by the tide of their enchantment.  

Boyscott, composed of Scott Hermo, Emma Willer, Thomas Bora, Noah Dardaris, and Davey Alaimo played beloved tracks like “Killer Whale”, and new releases such as “Arthur Kill”. There was also a  Happy Birthday interlude for their bassist, Davey, sung in a minor key by Scott and Emma.  Happy Birthday, Davey! 

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The Radiating Warmth of Pique

Last Wednesday, I was blessed enough to see Pique at Three Links. Their honey-soaked, sonorous music filled the room on a warm July night with the sound of sunshine. I found keeping my focus on taking photos of the band rather challenging as their set reeled me in in a mesmerizing awe.

Last Wednesday, I was blessed enough to see Pique at Three Links. Their honey-soaked, sonorous music filled the room on a warm July night with the sound of sunshine. I found keeping my focus on taking photos of the band rather challenging as their set reeled me in in a mesmerizing awe. 

Imagine the sound of orange soda—that's Pique. Their warm and inviting stage presence perfectly mirrors the band members' souls. It's a golden energy that could charm even the summer itself, making their performance a must-see experience. Since the first time I heard "Terra Firma", I've considered myself a fan of Pique's music. Their live performance of this song, as expected, was even more transcendent.

If you’re looking for the opportunity to say that you followed a band from the early stages of their stardom, you would be a fool not to support Pique in their journey. They have been remarkable since their inception. Listen to “Terra Firma” and “Overtones” on streaming services now!

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jolea bradshaw jolea bradshaw

Dust Mothers’ Forseeable Farewell

On July 14, 2024, the occupants of Rubber Gloves were met with a night of psychedelicousness for Dust Mothers’ farewell show. The venue was transformed into a kaleidoscope of sound and color, with the band's unique blend of psychedelic rock and experimental sounds. The band’s last performance was the first and only that I have attended. Although my experience with their live performances has been minimal, most attendees' admiration for the band as musicians and love for the guys as friends was undeniably present.

On July 14, 2024, the occupants of Rubber Gloves were met with a night of psychedelicousness for Dust Mothers’ farewell show. The venue was transformed into a kaleidoscope of sound and color, with the band's unique blend of psychedelic rock and experimental sounds. The band’s last performance was the first and only that I have attended. Despite my limited exposure to their live shows, I could undeniably sense the overwhelming admiration for the band as musicians and the love for the guys as friends among the crowd.

Hazelwart opened the night with a burst of powerful energy that set the standards rather high. Their bold sound not only drew the attention of everyone within earshot but also ignited a sense of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead, filling the air with a palpable thrill.

With their heavy psych, Strays took the stage next, followed by Godot, known for their sweet sludge. They both managed to carry the crowd in a magnetic hold with the strength of their stage presence and the fuzz of their sweet riffs. 

As the night unfolded and the excitement reached its peak, Dust Mothers took the stage for their final foreseeable show. Their hour-long set, featuring a mix of new and old songs, held their friends and fans in a spell. The weight of my regret for not experiencing their shows sooner was a constant companion throughout the set, a testament to the transformative power of their performance. The energy, the passion, and the sense of community that filled the venue made me realize what I had been missing. 

It's evenings like this past Sunday that deepen my appreciation for local shows. When you attend a smaller show, it's about more than the performance. You become part of a vibrant community, sharing the love for music and the joy of live performances. The intimacy and connection in such settings are truly unique and enriching, underscoring the value of more intimate shows and making you feel like a part of something bigger.

With many loving supporters and a new album in the works, it is clear that although Dust Mothers’ live performances have ended, their music is alive and breathing. I, for one, am eagerly anticipating the next chapter in their musical journey.

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Interview: Momoyeaux on the Importance of Staying True to Your Emotions

Momoyeaux is an emo-indie band from North Texas composed of Dom (vocals, guitar, lyrics), Teejay (bass), and Sam (drums). I have had the privilege of working with the band for the last few months. Alongside the growth of our friendship, I have become a fan of both their music and our conversation. We spoke about friendship, emotions, and anime at their most recent show at the Asylum in Denton.

Momoyeaux is an emo-indie rock band from North Texas composed of Dom (vocals, guitar, lyrics), Teejay (bass), and Sam (drums). I have had the privilege of working with the band for the last few months. Alongside the growth of our friendship, I have become a fan of both their music and our conversation. At their most recent show at the Asylum in Denton, we spoke about friendship, emotions, and anime. 

Where did the name Momoyeaux originate from? 

Dom: My brother stayed with me at my house for a while. I walked into the room one day, and he was playing video games or whatever, and his gamer tag was Momoyeaux. I [saw it] and was like, wait, that's really sick! He told me later that it was a Toho anime reference. 

Have you always played by that name? 

Teejay: No. 

Dom: This is our third rebrand. First, we were ‘Famish’ and then ‘Bug Button.’ 

Teejay: Yup. Pretty much anytime Dom comes back to America, we switch it up. 

How long have you known each other, and how did you meet? 

Teejay: I met Dom in 2017. I was working at the Mellow Mushroom in Frisco, and their GM knew the bartender from the Flower Mound location. He gave me his number and told me that he was a drummer and they needed a guitarist. So, I called him and then went to Dom’s house in Flower Mound, and that’s how I met him. 

Makayla (to Dom): You let strangers in your house?

Dom:  Well, I was with my band, and they were tough. 

Sam: I’ve known Dom for at least four years.

Dom: We met at a gig at Killer’s Tacos.

Sam: Dom didn’t even look like himself back then. He literally looked like a mountain man and I was like, ‘Who’s this guy?’ It was at the basement of J&J’s, I’m pretty sure. I saw him play there before Killers. I’m pretty sure it was in 2018. 

Teejay: Then Sam and I met through Dom.

Do you feel that your chemistry as musicians influences the strength of your relationship as friends? 

Teejay: For sure

Dom: Yeah, for sure, I’m kind of a loser and don’t really know how to hang out with people […], so I’m like, ‘let’s start a band,’ and then we’re forced to hang out.

Sam: I think there’s no percentage of our friendship depending on our musicianship. I think it’s entirely independent and built strongly on itself, which influences musicianship.

Dom (jokingly): Hey, that was a really good beat you played. Do you want to go get some IHOP? 

Teejay: I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed [Dom’s] writing, and I can always get behind all of the emotions in the lyrics. So, when I perform it, I can always feel the feelings around it. I’m not just performing the songs; I’m [experiencing] the emotions as well.

What does your writing process look like? Do you have set roles whenever it comes to composing your work? 

Teejay: All you, Dom!

Dom: So I typically write a minute-long song, and they’re usually just little ideas. Teejay usually vibes with what I’m doing, and I would say that Sam has a significant impact on the writing. Once you start hearing drums, the arrangement solidifies. It turns my minute-long idea into a more flushed-out thing.

What’s the next big step for Momoyeaux? Is there anything in the works? 
Dom: I have a lot of ideas that I want to pursue, but I’m leaving [the States] in about two months, so I’m on a time crunch. I want to have a backlog of things to put out while I’m traveling. I also really want to collaborate with other artists in other countries. 

What are you hoping to achieve as a band by the end of 2024? 

Dom: Just have a good time! 

Teejay: To play as many shows as possible! 

Dom: To create cool art. 

What aspect of your music is most important to you? 

Teejay: The emotions that go behind it. The music that Dom writes isn’t just empty words that he puts together; it’s emotions he’s felt, situations that he’s gone through, and hardships that he’s had to overcome. Our more recent songs seem to come from a more uplifted spirit. 

Dom: Same. I talk about this a lot, but I feel like whenever you surround yourself with negativity, and you’re getting rewarded at shows [because] people like your music, it’s easy to fester in that and think, ‘All of my friends are friends with me because I write sad music. I need to be sad, or my friends aren’t gonna like me anymore.’ Creating music should be more for you than for someone else. 

Sam: I want to say emotions, too, but I feel like our music is unique. I like all the different tunings [Dom] does. I think that’s what most influences the sound of the music. 

What is your favorite track that you’ve created so far, and what does it mean to you? 

Dom: I like ‘I Won’t Let Myself’ because it digs into what I was just talking about. That song is me criticizing my old self for purposely putting myself through things to be sad and saying, ‘You're such a loser. You're just doing these things to fit in.’ 

Sam: Definitely [I Won’t Let Myself], it’s the most emotional. I even get emotional playing it sometimes. 

*Dom fake cries* 

Teejay: I hate to be that guy, but honestly, every song is super special to me. But I think my favorite is Beck. It isn’t part of our set, but it’s so beautiful. Every time I listen to it, it gives me ‘summer nighttime’ vibes. 

What overall message are you trying to convey to your listeners? 

Dom: You don’t need a tragic backstory to have music worth engaging with. You can love your life, create music about that, and be playing it alongside someone feeling something totally different. I don’t want people to think they need to be a certain way to do whatever they want. 

Teejay: I think it’s about being able to have that connection with others through our songs. We may not know someone on a personal level, but we can bond through our music. I love being able to experience that during our sets. 

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Rainbow Rock at Fernwood

By the end of our hasty journey to Fernwood, I had become utterly useless regarding human functioning as my senses melted into a puddle of stupefaction from the glorious depths of Big Sur’s coastline.

Driving down Highway One felt like a showcase from God of beauties so moving, you can’t even imagine them before witnessing it yourself, unveiling more of his creation with each roll of a hill. By the end of our hasty journey to Fernwood, I had become utterly useless regarding human functioning as my senses melted into a puddle of stupefaction from the glorious depths of Big Sur’s coastline. After an attempt to pull myself out of my daze long enough to help Faith check us into our site, I took one look at the Fernwood campground and entirely accepted that I was done for. Despite the spellbinding magnificence surrounding our senses, we set up our camp and dressed for night one of Rainbow Rock. 

Reverberation Radio started night one off with an avant-garde DJ set while Faith and I shuffled around the tavern, trying to fight our increasing fatigue. We settled in front of the stage shortly before Glenn Annie began, whose performance was saturated with groove-driven songs with energy replicating the early seventies. Faith was able to conjure enough energy to dance; I, however, was using all of my remaining energy to stand upright. By the end of Glenn Annie’s set, we had lost ourselves in our fight against exhaustion and accepted the fact that we couldn’t put off rest any longer.

The next day felt like a sequence of movie scenes, not entirely in a favorable sense. We began our morning with a hike through a nearby trail we had found and shortly found ourselves lost on top of a mountain in the middle of the woods. After a few hours of fighting the urge to lose hope as we strode in circles, we finally gave up and returned the same way we came. Once we finally returned to the site, we took a few moments of solitude to recharge before attempting to view more of the coastline. While our eagerness to submerge our senses into the coast of Big Sur sat thick in our spirits, our intuition continued to pull us back to camp until its firmness became impossible to ignore. Sure enough, just as we had reached the top of the hill at the entrance to Fernwood, Faith’s truck died with just enough momentum to get us down the slope and out of the way. 

As we sat there racking our brains as to how we would revive her truck to get us back to our site and, more importantly, back home, a kind man from a neighboring site offered to help and jumpstart us. After three failed attempts, we realized the problem was not the battery but the alternator.

We were stranded in the middle of the forest in California, around 1,700 miles from home.

After an eternity of sitting somewhat inconveniently in the way, Wesley, the face of Reverberation Radio, comes to help us. Shortly after he makes his acquaintance, Babe Rainbow comes rolling in and invites him for a beer, which he has no choice but to accept.  The same kind man eventually returned, after around two hours of us developing a panic in the car, and jumped us off with just enough power to book it to the campsite. We then were forced to accept that we would have to be towed to the nearest shop in the morning and shift our energy towards preparing for night two. 

I commend Faith and me for letting go of the fate that awaited us in the morning as we walked through the tavern doors.  We immediately began making new acquaintances and reviving old ones.  We met a couple, both named Sarah, who are currently living out of their adorable orange van as they venture across the continental states. I also connected with the Babe Rainbow and Seventies Tuberide members before their performances as we recalled moments from the previous time I saw them. 

Night two was overflowing with superior psychedelic sound, with performances by Very Nice Person, Will Worden, Mariana Allen, Seventies Tube Ride, and Babe Rainbow. DJ Kristofski wrapped up the festival with his set while Faith, me, the Sarahs, and all the artists mentioned danced together well into the night.

Faith and I got up the following morning way earlier than preferred and packed up our site as swiftly as possible before the tow truck arrived. We said our last goodbyes to our new friends while the tow truck driver prepared Faith’s truck and watched in the rearview mirror as they waved us off.  We eventually revisited the astounding beauty of Highway 1 during our journey to the Auto Shop. Overall, the drive felt like a gentle reminder of the importance of finding gratitude in the unexpected aspects of life. I pondered this while gazing at the elevated view of the famous coastline. 

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The Road to Rainbow Rock

While the thrill of spontaneity can sometimes lead to an imbalance of wise life decisions, the hunger for adventure that one of my dearest friends and I possess has blessed us with a road trip full of experiences that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.

While the thrill of spontaneity can sometimes lead to an imbalance of wise life decisions, the hunger for adventure that one of my dearest friends and I possess has blessed us with a road trip full of experiences that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.  Upon hearing about Rainbow Rock, a music festival held in the Redwoods of Big Sur, California, we loaded up Faith’s car and began our journey across the country just three weeks later.  From sights so grand we had to observe them twice to properly absorb them, to interactions that set our hearts ablaze, every second of our week-long journey was filled with memorable moments that we will tell our grandchildren about someday.  

We chased the sun to the highway as we started our journey across the states, a trip we had not planned to take a month prior.  My hands, hair, and worries flew out of the passenger seat window while I admired one of the prettiest sunrises I have ever witnessed, the first of many jaw-dropping beauties admired on this heart-fueling trip.  We spent the day listening to our “The Most Girly Babe Road Trip Ever” playlist, with moods fluctuating significantly to match the comical range of diverse genres we both enjoy.  

We had just reached Arizona during golden hour, admiring the beauty of the desert, when “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus started playing. It was such a movie scene moment.  Faith and I both looked at each other whenever she sang, “These are the moments I’m gonna remember most,” because it was a statement that we both felt so profoundly.  At that moment, I began absorbing everything a bit more intensely. I observed as the sun created a saturation so intense over the red rocks you could almost taste the glow. I sat in admiration while I thought about how blessed I was to be where I was, looking at what I was viewing, sitting next to who I was sitting with.  An overwhelming sense of gratitude came over me for my life, the people I love, and the ability to love and be loved.  “Light My Love” by Greta Van Fleet followed in the queue; at this point, I was holding back tears.  The trip had begun hours before this moment, but this was when I truly began to comprehend the week ahead of me. 

We started the next day in Phoenix, adoring our first few sights of mountain ranges and crying over gas prices as we headed for our first campsite in the redwoods. 

Six hours into our eleven-hour drive, our weariness of being in the car and our eagerness to reach our destination were beginning to create a bit of restlessness within us. We put our energy into the beauty of the mountains surrounding us as best as possible until a giant semi threw a rock at Faith’s windshield, causing a rather big crack across the glass.  At this point, we were both in significant need of a mental reset outside the car.  We pulled into the nearest rest stop we could find, which happened to be Pyramid Lake, a reservoir surrounded by the San Emigdio mountains. We couldn’t have picked a more perfect place to refresh and regather ourselves, with sights we wouldn’t have been graced with without spontaneously stopping.  As my eyes set into the view that we had no plan of witnessing, I was reminded of the sheer loveliness found in the unexpected.

The following day, we woke up at our campsite, and the cumulative twenty-six-hour drive was instantly made worth it by the atmosphere that greeted us.  After breakfast and a self-guided tour of the environment around us, we headed for Henry Cowell State Park. 

The scale of the pulchritude we witnessed of these gigantic trees was so grand that we could not fully absorb what we were looking at.  The grandness of the Redwoods exuded so much strength, that I couldn’t help but hug almost every tree in passing.  We met a very kind man there named Pete, who walks the trail every morning.  He showed us a few must-see spots that some tourists tend to miss.  As we said goodbye to leave the park, we told Pete we were off to find some coffee.   He replied, “I have a pick-me-up of my own,” and proceeded to pull a mini bottle of vodka from under his sleeve.  I miss his energy.  

After a stop for coffee and a little lunch break, we decided to venture to Wilder Ranch State Park.  We headed down the Old Cove Landing Trail, three miles of coastline slowly being weathered by the mighty waves of the Pacific.  We befriended a seagull shortly into our hike, who waddled curiously alongside us as we admired our breathtaking ocean view.  As we continued walking, the views gradually increased in their magnificence. We eventually ran into two locals, an older couple, who admitted that they were modeling after all of our stopping points for the best views, which to me was one of the highest compliments.  We took photos of each other on our cameras and finished our hike, where we were blessed enough to encounter a group of seals lying out in the sun and playing along the rocks.  We then drove back to our campsite, where we took some alone time to journal and reflect on the incredible day that we had experienced. 

Before we left for Big Sur, Faith and I admitted to each other that we were both too astounded by the marvel of the Redwoods to have effectively processed them the day before, so we decided to visit them again before leaving Felton.  This was one of the best decisions we have ever made.  We returned to Henry Cowell, this time with what seemed to be a set of new eyes.  With a new capacity to take in my surroundings, every step felt meditative as we strolled through the pathways in silence. Our spirits were so overcome with awe, that there was no room to get words out. There is something oddly comforting about the validation of our diminutiveness as humans on this bountiful earth. With every touch of a tree trunk, I was met with the presence of strength and wisdom much more powerful than anything I could ever inhabit.

From illuminated deserts to salty swells and some of the biggest trees in the world, our first three and a half days were bursting with enough significance to fuel decades' worth of recollection. The experiences we encountered at this point were already worth the spontaneous journey.  Had the trip ended here, I would have returned home with enough wealth in my heart to fuel me for the rest of the year.  However, the excitement of this trip had not even begun to peak at this point, and I am incredibly eager to share the stories that follow in my next piece. 

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Quarters of Change at Club Dada

From flaming rifts that can heat up a venue of any size to profound lyrics that captivate the hearts of anyone listening, Quarters of Change is a band I have been privileged enough to see four times now.

Ben Roter

From flaming rifts that can heat up a venue of any size to profound lyrics that captivate the hearts of anyone listening, Quarters of Change is a band I have been privileged enough to see four times now.  With their debut LP Into the Rift out now and their sophomore LP Portraits releasing January 26th, this band's passion for their artistry seeps through their souls and into the beauty of their creations. Made up of Ben Roter on lead vocals,  Attila Anrather on drums, and both Jasper Harris and Ben Acker on guitar, the energy created at their shows is never short of transcendent. 

Jasper Harris

On September 26th, 2023, QOC headlined their first show in Dallas, a moment I have been eagerly waiting for since hearing ‘Kiwi’ for the first time in the early spring of 2022.  Although the anticipation for this show was held at a high extremity by myself and most other attendees, all expectations were blown out of the water by the talents of the boys from NYC.  While playing beloved favorites like “Sophia”, “T Love”, “Blue Copper”, and “Rift”, as well as new releases such as “What I Wanted”, “Hollywood Baby”, and “Do or Die”, everyone who made an appearance at Club Dada was blessed by the enchantment that is a live performance by Quarters of Change.

Ben Acker

My gratitude for the opportunity to see QOC as many times as I have extends to the plethora of amazing people I have met and friendships I have formed through the connection of admiration for their music and what it means to us.  As soon as I got in line for this particular show, I was welcomed by a group of people who were intent on sharing their excitement through kindness and laughter, making the wait for doors significantly more enjoyable.  Once inside, the energy and celebration continued for the rest of the night, creating a community based on our shared appreciation for live music. The general amiableness of the crowd the band attracts is an excellent reflection of the members themselves, who are just as incredible people as they are musicians. 

A little over halfway through their North American tour, QOC is strengthening their rightful grip on the Alternative Rock scene across America. From their mesmerizing stage presence to the wonderful people they draw in, please do yourself a favor and see Quarters of Change if given the opportunity. It will be worthwhile after a night of exceptional sound and new friends. 

From left to right: Ben Acker, Jasper Harris, Ben Roter (bottom center), Jolea Bradshaw (me), Attila Anrather

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Notable Moments Throughout the Years

In a world where relative concepts such as time and adolescence are stripped of their beauty and thrown into the bin of overused and over-influential marketing tools, it’s vital to groove on the consistencies our communities offer for those brave enough to enjoy them.

In a world where relative concepts such as time and adolescence are stripped of their beauty and thrown into the bin of overused and over-influential marketing tools, it’s vital to groove on the consistencies our communities offer for those brave enough to enjoy them. Patience and presentness are suffocating in deficiency by the masses in a society where the majority favors convenience over connection.

I am privileged enough to love a community that yearns to experience life as slowly as it comes, immersing themselves in the beauties of what life can offer whenever you sit down and grow as the flowers do. However, the disparity in capturing a moment can sometimes lead to losing your presence. After several instances in which this has been taught, I have finally allowed myself to learn my lesson. Rather than observing life, I am actively taking up space in it.

With that being said, here are a few pieces from moments throughout the years that I have completely immersed myself in:


Walking through the park on one of the loveliest of days, 

The man playing Blackbird on his acoustic slowly fades behind me. 

Spring is rolling in in Italy, 

And the growth in me is blooming now more than ever. 

I never feel like I belong anywhere until I’m about to leave it. 

I felt like an imposter in Texas, and I feel like one here, too.

I’m trying my best to absorb these moments in all of their preciousness: the wonder of Italy’s features,

the vitality of its people. 

Eyes full of wisdom, 

Voices full of stories from their lively past. 

Arms full of hospitable warmth you can’t find anywhere else, not like this. 

Arrivederci, Italia. Devo dire troppo presto. 

Summer is rolling in in Italy, and I won’t be here to revel in it. 


An assortment of flowers, 

An abundance of love. 

The fresh ambrosial breeze

And melodies of euphoria 

Flow rhythmically through the air. 

My heart lies on West Gum St., 

With the porch swing that has aged with us over the years,

And the sweet scent that roams the house, 

Caused by an endlessly bustling kitchen. 

I long for the affectionate touch 

Of a loved one’s hands in my hair 

The fresh-cut grass, 

The moss-covered rocks,

Where I have capered about in my greenness. 

I long to return to West Gum St. 


Sitting outside of a bar in the center of the city. 

Exchanging stories, poems, songs, and a kettle of tea. 

Wisps of smoke and laughter cling to the heavy, humid air 

This movement is so bittersweet; I can hardly stand it.

It pains me to know that it won’t always be like this,

so I try my best not to think about it. 

Instead, I take my thoughts to the park, the bus stop, the market, the beach. 

How do you cope with the swift passing of a platonic soulmate?

Your presence presiding in my life just long enough to sift through my fingers,

Decorated with the ring you gave me on the first day we met. 

Just long enough to understand how strongly I appreciate a connection like ours. 

The bus ride through Pescara taught me things that I didn’t know about myself. 

No one has ever nourished my creativity like you do. 

We both know that the moon and the sea are the founders of natural rhythm, 

And we follow their flow in our exchanges. 

The importance of connection seeping through my soul, 

My favorite version of myself is the one that you have shown me. 

Italy only felt this abundant after I met you. 

Before I met you, I was only existing.

You taught me how to exist with passion. 


Violet-blue ripples that can be seen by the squint of an eye are brought in by the sticky breeze. 

Violent but steady waves come rolling in, pounding the defenseless sand beneath it.

I walk along the shoreline, accompanied by little cousins who have allowed the interest of chasing crabs to swallow most of their time here. 

Sand-covered knees and salt-dried lips come complimentary with our freshly sun-kissed cheeks. 

We follow the ‘noisy waves’ street sign on our walk back to the beach house, utterly infatuated with our days spent here. 


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Mexico in June

The intensity with which I miss what I experienced in Mexico is so strong that I would drop everything right now if given the chance to return tomorrow.

Spending the day at our secret beach in Playa de los Muertos

The intensity with which I miss what I experienced in Mexico is so strong that I would drop everything right now if given a chance to return tomorrow.

I was greeted with a welcome as warm as Guadalajara itself, an amiable hello at the airport followed almost immediately with a shot of tequila. The rest of my days there followed the rhythm of the first; moments filled with introductions, dancing, and tacos, all led by the celebration of life and the Mexican heat. Tania, who was kind enough to let me stay with her and her family, was incredibly successful in her eagerness to make my experience as abundant as possible. During my stay, she welcomed me into her home and introduced me to a world full of enriching people and places I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

  With a trip as immersive as this one, it’s almost impossible not to find gratitude in every instance of the time spent there. While reminiscing, I think about the hand-pressed juice stand we stopped at before Tania did my nails for the first time and how you could taste the dedication in every sip. I think about the wedding I crashed and how welcome I felt in celebrating love while everyone danced freely under the moon.  I think about shrimp tacos and the walk through the plant nursery we stopped at on the way home.  You can find bits of my heart in all that I experienced in the corners of Guadalajara, the streets in the center of Tlaquepaque, the ranches of La Joya, and spread entirely across my true love, Sayulita.

Making lunch at our Airbnb in Sayulita

We spent four full days in Sayulita, and it was an absolute babe.  I fell in love with the small surf town immediately after getting off the bus.

After a short walk to our glorious Airbnb, we reset for a few minutes before getting ready for the day with music and bikinis, a routine we followed for the rest of our stay.  Because Tania and Chuy had already been there once before, they had a few secret spots that they acquainted me with during our time there. After a short climb to the secluded beach, we were completely present in the water, releasing everything weighing us down and allowing the currents to sweep it into the ocean's depths. The entire atmosphere of this trip was incredibly recharging and replenishing. I always feel like my best self sitting in the sea and soaking in the sun, and the companionship I was graced with played a big part in the grandness of my joy.

We went out every night that we were there, routinely calling it a day with a walk down the beach.  Our days were spent sunbathing, sitting in trees, climbing rocks,  making friends, petting dogs, walking through markets, and trying not to get beat by the waves while taking in the ocean's magnificence. Filled with connection, gratitude, memorable interactions with surfers, new tanlines, and passionate conversation over passion fruit margaritas, the appreciation I feel for our time on the West Coast is a feeling that will never entirely leave me. 

         I spent my last few days in Mexico much like my first, with a Quinceanera immediately after we got home from the beach, a day trip to Chapala, and a night of driving around La Joya while making deeper connections and soaking in my last few moments in the country. The time I spent venturing on this trip, I have surpassed the enjoyment of new experiences. I could expand my understanding of different cultures and perspectives through my time there.  I am incredibly inspired by the philosophy of Mexico’s people.  Every day is painted with an appreciation for the wealth of life with energy so grand you couldn’t escape it even if you wanted to.  In all that I was immensely blessed to experience, I now hold a collection of new memories to cherish and tremendous admiration for daily living. 

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