Boyscott at Andy’s Bar
I’ve been a listener of the band Boyscott ever since I first experienced “Nova Scotia 500” in 2020. So, when I discovered that they were playing in my town, attending was a foregone conclusion. On Thursday, November 14, Andy’s Bar opened their doors for the indie rock band from the East Coast.
I arrived at the venue just before Small Crush began their set, and though I was searching for windows between people to view the band, my inability to see did not diminish my enjoyment of their performance. The band began softly, luring the audience into a gentle flow of indie sweetness. As their performance progressed, the energy intensified. Small crush…. I think I have a small crush on you.
I had nearly made my way to the front of the stage when Boyscott began their show. The sound of nautical whimsy enveloped the venue. Refreshing melodies pulled the audience into a trance of admiration and tranquility, mesmerized by the tide of their enchantment.
Boyscott, composed of Scott Hermo, Emma Willer, Thomas Bora, Noah Dardaris, and Davey Alaimo played beloved tracks like “Killer Whale”, and new releases such as “Arthur Kill”. There was also a Happy Birthday interlude for their bassist, Davey, sung in a minor key by Scott and Emma. Happy Birthday, Davey!